SuperTonic Plague Fighter: A recipe

3 Mar

Every couple of years, I make a whopping batch of SuperTonic Plague Fighter, a recipe I got from the avid proselytizer of natural health solutions: Dr. Richard Schulze . I like to make my batch on special days. I made a Blue Moon batch in 2001, a Night of the Living Dead batch in 2003 and a Leap Year Day batch just this past Friday.

SuperTonic Plague Fighter is great for fighting off icky things, and I take it often when I start to get the “Uh-oh, I feel like I’m getting sick feeling …” I also take — and keep plenty on hand – Dr Schulze’s Echinecea Plus.

Here’s how I make it:

Prep for juicing in a professional juicer — I use my beloved Champion Juicer — the following ingredients:

1.5 lbs. of yellow onions

3 garlic bulbs (bulbs! not cloves)

15-2o habanero peppers

1 lb. of horseradish root, peeled

1 lb. of fresh ginger

Next, move your SuperTonic Plague Fighting making operations outside by an electrical outlet. (I am not kidding. You do not want to do this inside!) Start juicing. Be careful not to put your nose too close to the vapors. Do not strain the juice. Add equal parts unfiltered apple cider vinegar to the juice. Store in dark-colored glass bottles. Give some to friends. Keep the rest. (It can last for years!)

The ingredients are, individually and collectively, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-everything else. To keep icky germs at bay: Add the SuperTonic to water, gargle with it then swallow it. Or, just drink it like a shot. (Best done in front of friends so they can watch your facial expression and laugh!)

Win a FREE bottle of SuperTonic

Win a free bottle of my Leap Year Day batch of SuperTonic Plague Fighter. Answer correctly: Which ingredient has the hottest vapors when juiced?

13 Responses to “SuperTonic Plague Fighter: A recipe”

  1. Caroline March 3, 2008 at 10:43 am #

    I should have spoken to you on Friday. Thanks for the recipe.
    Don’t know that I have the strength to do this today or ever.
    I do need to get healthy. I will takea stab that it is the horseraddish. Don’t really know.

  2. Dave Bittner March 3, 2008 at 12:38 pm #

    “Why are you painting your house purple?”

    “To keep the dragons away! They hate the color purple!”

    “But there are no dragons around here.”

    “See? It works!”


  3. Iconic Xer March 4, 2008 at 11:05 am #

    Caroline Sheman is the winner of a bottle of my Leap Year Day batch SuperTonic Plague Figher! Yes, folks, the vapors of horseradish juice are frighteningly hot.

    Dave, I’d love to paint my house purple to keep the dragons away, but CA covenants won’t let me. I’ll stick to the SuperTonic Plague Fighter instead. :o)

  4. June Brought February 6, 2009 at 7:49 am #

    On Dr. Schulze’s video, he shows blenderizing the ingredients, then straining later. ( 2 wks. ) My husband is ill now ( Lyme’s disease ), and I want to use the tonic immediately. Did the juicing technique come from some of his info also ? Thanks for your input.

  5. JessieX February 6, 2009 at 11:02 pm #

    @June, I’m sorry to hear of your husband’s condition. Now, I’m certainly not one to diagnose or treat. Though I can offer a perspective. First, if you want fast access, you can buy the supertonic on his website. Second, I just juice and go for it. I don’t wait two weeks, though the stuff keeps for years, so some of my batches have been deepening for ages and are still just as good, maybe better. Mind you now, it’s a serious project to juice things such as habanero pepper and, in particular, horseradish root.

    Remember, Dr. Schulze is making a top-notch tincture for resale. I’d think as long as you juice the ingredients and consume them, after waiting two weeks or not, you’re already ahead of the game.

  6. Chip October 26, 2009 at 10:38 pm #

    I make this at my restaurant for customers. I don’t strain it. I throw it all in a Vita Mixer along with enough Bragg’s cider vinegar to cover and let whirl away!

    I also add turmeric, based on the recipe I originally saw. Now that everyone comes in asking for the “yellow stuff” I don’t dare change it!

    If the batch is too strong to bear, I just add more cider vinegar.

    I’ve never known how it improves (or not) with age as it’s always gone within a month–faster in the flu season.

    • JessieX October 27, 2009 at 11:16 pm #

      Love it. Will consider adding turmeric. Good thinking. I have a Vitamix, too. One of my best-ever investments! Do you give it to your customers as a bonus/freebie? Sell it? How do you market it? Sounds like you’re on to a new edge in restaurant marketing. :-0

      • Chip October 28, 2009 at 12:43 am #

        I do sell it. I put it in little 2oz. containers (1/4 c.) and sell that for $2.

        By the way, I don’t peel anything. Don’t see why I should since that’s where a lot of the goodness is. I do scrub the horseradish, though.

        After I peel the garlic, onion, and stem the jalapeno, I just throw it all right in and whir!

  7. Cedric Griffith July 5, 2011 at 7:52 am #

    I have a question,

    I made some some super tonic in the past and it was great. so just recently I made another batch. I noticed that at the bottom of the jar a green color started to develop on all my jars. Is this common? what does it mean?

    Concerned in Tampa

  8. Kathy Thompson March 7, 2012 at 1:35 am #

    I would definitely agree about the horseradish fumes. I think if you do this outside, you should maybe put the dogs in the house!

  9. Kathy Fahey July 24, 2015 at 6:20 pm #

    Has anyone ever experiences a “scooby” on top of the tonic after it sitting for a few days? I have never seen anyone mention that except with Kombucha Tea :/ I know the ACV has a “mother” ,,,,, so maybe tonic has it’s one “starter” thing that floats 🙂 Hoping! Since I am NOT ABOUT TO THROW OUT OUR SUPER TONIC<<<< no way!


  1. Super Me, Super You! | Inner Game Healing - March 8, 2012

    […] Anyway, I am excited about Super Tonic.  The one I tried is produced locally by Hidden Pond Farms.  Dr. Richard Schulze also has one you can buy online.  There are various recipes to be found on line as well.  Tom Harrelson has a good one here, as does Jessie X here […]

  2. Six Zero – Jessie Newburn Writer - August 29, 2023

    […] sister (the lone gift-giver) made me a large bottle Diamond Jubilee edition of Dr. Schulze’s SuperTonic Plague Fighter (something we used to make together a couple decades past). Overall, it has been a lovely […]

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